How to use the Spokeo advanced search tool to find someone in the U.S.

In addition to using the name (surname or first name) to find people in spokeo, you can also add various Information to optimize search. Especially while the names are very common (for example, names such as Smith, Michael), the result is particularly prominent. You can add the middle name or initials of the name, age, and the name of the person’s relatives or spouse to narrow the results and save lots of time.

spokeo advanced search and filtering tool
spokeo advanced search

For example, suppose you search for a person named Ben Smith in California. After a simple search, it was found that more than 500 people called this name. If you want to find this person accurately, it may take a long time to check the results one by one.

However, if you know that the person’s middle name starting with "H" and the age is between 50-59 years old, then click the "Show All Filters" link, enter other information, and then apply the filter. You will find that there are only 4 people who meet the search criteria, as shown in the figure below:

spokeo advanced search results
Advanced search results

Give another example. Suppose, you know a couple, but lost their contact information. Wife's name is Susan Johnson and her husband's name is Simon. Susan Johnson and Simon Johnson are fairly common names. If you use the Spokeo search filter, enter "Susan Johnson" and add "Simon" under relative’s name section, thus reduce hundreds of people to less than 10.

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